Based on my collaboration with top nutrition provider GoPrimal, I published a guest post on their blog. Below is a short summary. If you are interested check out the whole piece.
"Goals are for Losers"
First time you read this quote by Scott Adams, it may upset your current value model. You may even strongly disagree. At least that was my reaction when I read Scott Adams’ excellent book How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. But then Scott describes more details and his explanation makes a ton of sense.
In a nutshell: goals alone are not enough. We need systems to effectively and consistently achieve our goals.
In the article I discuss:
- How to get fitter and some of the crucial reasons why people fail.
- The idea behind System Thinking and how we can apply this to better achieve fitness goals.
- One concrete example of such a system.
- The 2 key things to successfully apply systems.
Read on for more.
Best Value-for-Money Fitness Supplements
I have chosen to collaborate with GoPrimal because I tested a lot my self and concluded that they do have the cleanest fitness and health supplements. And they offer the best value for market. Check out the range that I currently offer here.